(A Two Year Preparation Program)
Our Lord Jesus continually and lovingly calls us to be joined to Him in His Mystical Body, the Church. It is by this means that He gives us His Real Presence in the Eucharist and continues to touch and heal us through Reconciliation.
Together we are preparing your child for this experience of Christ and His Church on a deeper level. The characteristics of these preparations are:
1. Your child attends Mass with you regularly.
In understanding Our Lord’s personal presence in the Eucharist and the Mass as a family meal, your child may more fully realize Our Lord’s presence in themselves and in your family.
2. Your child attends class regularly.
Please send an excuse regarding the reason for any absence. If a child misses five or more classes without an excuse or making up the lessons, your child may need to repeat the year.
3. You should help your child with lessons, homework and prayer.
Nurturing and fostering your child’s relationship with Our Lord is through your example, and through the learning of spontaneous and formal prayer.
4. The expressed desire of your child to receive the Sacraments.
This also includes an understanding of the Sacraments and basic doctrine.
5. Your attendance at two Parent Enrichment Sessions is essential.
These events must be a high priority. We will notify you as to the time and date. If you are unable to attend a session, we must arrange a private conference with a priest so that your child may continue in the program.
This is an important time in your child’s life, your family, and your parish family, we are happy to help you in any way possible. We are looking forward to preparing your child for these Sacraments with you.